
Why fad diets lead to inconsistency (and what to do instead)

affirmations diets mindset nutrition

The number one myth diets tell you that is absolutely 100% NOT true is that you are incapable of listening to your needs so you have to use your weight to tell you if what you are doing is working. You might look at the scale and be so mad at yourself, that you decide that you have to look to a diet plan, a detox plan, or a list of foods, or a certain caloric intake, track everything forever, and that you have to keep weighing yourself to see progress. It’s not true, and it will keep you stuck in the cycle of fad dieting.


What if the truth about your health wasn't in a number or a diet plan, but it was in the thoughts that you have about yourself? You'd spend way less time tracking and counting and more time on what matters most in your life to get the results you want.

View the entire podcast and free resources here:



If this resonates and you're ready to get off the scale and into your life with full on step-by-step process to know yourself better than a diet plan, mentorship, and a supportive community, join us in the Energetic Eating Method.

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