Meal plans made simple with Chat GPT
Back in the day, we would look for meal plans online, so look for paleo meal plans or look for Keto meal plans or look for under 1200 calorie meal plans. That only gets you to know the meal plan.
It doesn't get you to know yourself.
I am a know yourself first coach. In this training, you're going to be able to tell Chat GPT who you are, what you know about yourself, so that it can generate a meal plan tailored to you to help you resolve root causes of imbalances in the body. And as a result, by addressing root causes of inflammation in the body and the issues that are going on for you, you will get a meal plan that will help your body optimize nutrition.
For the full training and download, visit my YouTube Podcast, Off the Scale:
If this resonates and you're ready to get off the scale and into your life with full on step-by-step process to know yourself better than a diet plan, mentorship, and a supportive community, join us in the Energetic Eating Method.
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